Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
嗨! 我是彭心貝。我家有5個人,爸爸叫老大,媽媽叫阿咪,哥哥叫ㄤ古,妹妹叫佑佑。一家子每天過著幸福快樂的日子。前幾天,我和妹妹去朋友家過夜,媽媽打電話說爸爸開車ㄟ倒車庫,所以車子拿去修。因此最近我們一家子出門只能依靠ㄛ都敗。
Hey guys if you want some jokes, here they are.
1.Why does the farmer buy a brown cow?(because he wanted chocolate milk.)
2.Why did the gum cross the road?(he was stuck on the ducks foot.)
3.What is black and white, black and white, black and white, and green?(three zebras fighting over a pickle.)
4.What is black and white, and red all over?(a news paper)
5.What did the boy octopus say to the girl octopus?(i want to hold your hand, hand ,hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand.)
6.What is bigger than an elephant, but weighs zero pounds?(an elephants shadow.)
7.What do you call a lamb with no legs, head, and tail?(a cloud)
8.Why did the turkey cross the road?(it was the chickens day off)
9.Why did the farmer cross the road?(to chase his chicken)
2.路上一個老頭子, 身穿綠袍子, 頭上長鬍子, 脫下綠袍子, 滿身是珠子。(玉米)
3.洗衣, 洗褲, 和洗襪是三之艙蚓, 他們最喜歡吃土司夾大便, 有一天, 他們三個看到一個很大的大便,洗衣和洗褲就回家拿土司, 回來的時候看到大便不見了,而洗襪就躺在石頭上, 肚子大大的, 是誰吃了大便?(洗襪)(台語)
4.大母哥告訴二母哥不要碰小妹, 二母哥告訴中指不要碰小妹, 中指告訴無明指不要碰小妹, 誰是小妹?(如果對方摸你的小指頭, 你就要告訴他:叫你不要碰小妹你還碰小妹!)
10. 一隻狼掉冰河裡。(檳榔)
1.Why does the farmer buy a brown cow?(because he wanted chocolate milk.)
2.Why did the gum cross the road?(he was stuck on the ducks foot.)
3.What is black and white, black and white, black and white, and green?(three zebras fighting over a pickle.)
4.What is black and white, and red all over?(a news paper)
5.What did the boy octopus say to the girl octopus?(i want to hold your hand, hand ,hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand.)
6.What is bigger than an elephant, but weighs zero pounds?(an elephants shadow.)
7.What do you call a lamb with no legs, head, and tail?(a cloud)
8.Why did the turkey cross the road?(it was the chickens day off)
9.Why did the farmer cross the road?(to chase his chicken)
2.路上一個老頭子, 身穿綠袍子, 頭上長鬍子, 脫下綠袍子, 滿身是珠子。(玉米)
3.洗衣, 洗褲, 和洗襪是三之艙蚓, 他們最喜歡吃土司夾大便, 有一天, 他們三個看到一個很大的大便,洗衣和洗褲就回家拿土司, 回來的時候看到大便不見了,而洗襪就躺在石頭上, 肚子大大的, 是誰吃了大便?(洗襪)(台語)
4.大母哥告訴二母哥不要碰小妹, 二母哥告訴中指不要碰小妹, 中指告訴無明指不要碰小妹, 誰是小妹?(如果對方摸你的小指頭, 你就要告訴他:叫你不要碰小妹你還碰小妹!)
10. 一隻狼掉冰河裡。(檳榔)
My Trip To Hualien(the second)
Hey there fella's , I just made a big mastake today, because I was just wrighting My Trip To Hualien(the first) but I pressed the PUBLISH POST buy accident, and maybe you know what happened, and pop!It was already on my blog. But that is not what I'm really going to say,what I'm really going to say is that two years(I forgot to wright for to whole years) ago I went back to Hualien, were I was born.
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